Orthotics Education

Getting to know orthotic solutions.

Education information and resources for new and existing orthosis wearers.

Types of Orthotics

Lower Extremity: Lower extremity orthoses correct, stabilize, or resist/assist motion of the hip, knee, ankle, or feet.

Upper Extremity: Upper extremity orthoses stabilize or resist/assist motion of the fingers, hand, wrist, elbow, or shoulder.

Spinal: Custom fabricated and custom fit spinal orthoses are used to provide stabilization of the spine post injury, to correct mal-alignment (ie: scoliosis) or to reduce pain and prevent further deformation.

Cranial: Protective cranial helmets and cranial remolding helmets correct or protect the skull and facial bones.

Donning & Doffing:

Your clinician will explain how to don and doff your device and make sure you and/or your caretaker understands the processes.


Your clinician will explain verbal and written instruction on how to properly maintain your orthosis.

Patient Documents

When to call your practitioner:

  • Red marks on the skin that last longer than 30 minutes
  • Pain or discomfort caused by the orthosis
  • Improperly fitting orthosis. This is usually caused by swelling or atrophy in adults and growth in children
  • Improper alignment. Things such as a shoe change can throw this off.
  • Broken or loose componentry
  • Educational needs, questions, or concerns

Advanced Orthotics Techniques

Our orthotists are experienced with many advanced techniques including:

  • Stance control orthoses
  • Reciprocating gait orthoses
  • Externally powered orthoses
  • Dynamic stretching orthoses
  • Cranial remolding orthoses